29. Average value per numeric property {int,float,time} criterion
RDD of triples
properties with their average values on the graph
22. Average typed string length criterion.
RDD of triples
the average typed string length used throughout the RDF graph.
23. Average untyped string length criterion.
RDD of triples
the average untyped string length used throughout the RDF graph.
19. Blanks as object criterion
RDD of triples
number of triples where blanknodes are used as objects.
18. Blanks as subject criterion
RDD of triples
number of triples where blanknodes are used as subjects.
4. Class hierarchy depth criterion
RDD of triples
the depth of the graph
20. Datatypes criterion
RDD of triples
histogram of types used for literals.
15.Entities mentioned criterion
15.Entities mentioned criterion
RDD of triples
number of entities (resources / IRIs) that are mentioned within a RDF graph.
24. Labeled subjects criterion.
RDD of triples
list of labeled subjects.
21. Languages criterion
RDD of triples
histogram of languages used for literals.
26. Links criterion.
Computes the frequencies of links between entities of different namespaces. This measure is directed, i.e.
a link from ns1 -> ns2
is different from ns2 -> ns1
RDD of triples
list of namespace combinations and their frequencies.
* 17.
* 17. Literals criterion
RDD of triples
number of triples that are referencing literals to subjects.
28.Maximum value per property {int,float,time} criterion
28.Maximum value per property {int,float,time} criterion
RDD of triples
entities with their maximum values on the graph
12. Property hierarchy depth criterion
RDD of triples
the depth of the graph
7. Property usage distinct per object criterion
RDD of triples
the usage of properties grouped by object
6. Property usage distinct per subject criterion
RDD of triples
the usage of properties grouped by subject
25. SameAs criterion.
RDD of triples
list of triples with owl#sameAs as predicate
13. Subclass usage criterion
RDD of triples
the usage of subclasses on the given graph
14. Triples criterion
RDD of triples
the amount of triples of a given graph.
24. Typed subjects criterion.
RDD of triples
list of typed subjects.
Prints the Voidiy version of the given RDF dataset
Prints the Voidiy version of the given RDF dataset
given RDF dataset statistics
name of the Dataset:source--usualy the file's name
Compute distributed RDF dataset statistics.
Compute distributed RDF dataset statistics.
RDF graph
VoID description of the given dataset
Voidify RDF dataset based on the Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID) https://www.w3.org/TR/void/
Voidify RDF dataset based on the Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID) https://www.w3.org/TR/void/
given RDF dataset statistics
name of the Dataset:source--usualy the file's name
the directory to save RDF dataset summary
A Distributed implementation of RDF Statisctics.