Function converts RDD[graph.Triple] to DataFrame [Subject,Object,Predicate] by extracting SOP value from each record
Function converts RDD[graph.Triple] to DataFrame [Subject,Object,Predicate] by extracting SOP value from each record
Returns DataFrame [Subject,Object,Predicate]
Function returns the Schema of Dictionary Dataframe.
Function returns the Schema of Dictionary Dataframe.
Schema of Dictionary
Return Dataframe of Index + Object by retrieving the unique objects from RDD[Triple] and zip it with undex
Return Dataframe of Index + Object by retrieving the unique objects from RDD[Triple] and zip it with undex
RDD[Triple] conversion of input file
DataFrame Object dictionary of [index , object]
Return Dataframe of Index + Predicate by retrieving the unique predicate from RDD[Triple] and zip it with undex
Return Dataframe of Index + Predicate by retrieving the unique predicate from RDD[Triple] and zip it with undex
RDD[Triple] conversion of input file
DataFrame Predicate dictionary of [index,Prediate]
Return Dataframe of Index + Subject by retrieving the unique subjects from RDD[Triple] and zip it with undex
Return Dataframe of Index + Subject by retrieving the unique subjects from RDD[Triple] and zip it with undex
RDD[Triple] conversion of input file
DataFrame Subject dictionary of [index,subject]
This is key function of TripleOps that read RDF file and create Dictionaries and Index Table and register them as Spark In memory Table
This is key function of TripleOps that read RDF file and create Dictionaries and Index Table and register them as Spark In memory Table
Returns the Tuple4 [IndexDataFrame,SubjectDictDataFrame,ObjectDictDataFrame,PredicateDictDataFrame]
Function returns the Schema of Indexed Triple Fact table.
Function returns the Schema of Indexed Triple Fact table.
Read hdt data from disk.
Read hdt data from disk.
-- path to hdt data.
Function saves the Index and Dictionaries Dataframe into given location
Function saves the Index and Dictionaries Dataframe into given location
Path to be written
SaveMode of Write